BLDEA's Dr. P. G. Halakatti College of Engineering & Technology, Vijayapura, Karnataka

Call: 08352-261120 |

Call: 08352-261120



Sem: I / II

Laboratory Area, m2:55

Approx. cost : 11Lakhs

HP Desktop Intel (R) Pentium (R) 4 CPU, 3.06 Hz, 504 MB of RAM, CD writer, (30 Nos.), COSMOS 10 KVA Online UPS (one hour backup 2 Nos.), HITACHE LCD Projector (1 No.)Solid Edge V19



Sem: III/ IV

Laboratory Area, m2:55

Approx. cost : 8.60Lakhs

COMPAQ Desktop Genuine Intel (R) 2140@ 1.60GHz, 504 MB of RAM, CD Read and writer, (30 Nos.), COSMOS 10 KVA Online UPS (one hour backup 2 Nos.), HITACHE LCD Projector (1 No.) Solid Edge V19



Sem: III/ IV

Laboratory Area, m2: 115

Approx. cost : 6.7Lakhs

Dead weight pressure gauge tester, Slip gauge boxes (03 Nos.) 83 std pieces, Sine bar (centre distance=150 cm), Gear tooth Vernier calliper, 3 wire electro wire set (3 pairs), Screw thread micrometre (0-25 mm) 2 pairs tips, Sine centre (200 mm length), LVDT (Digital Instrumentation Tutor), Thermocouple, Portable roughness tester, Profile Projector (screen dia 300 mm), Load cell (type tensile), Bore gauge up to 100 mm dia, Strain gauge tutor, Two wire and 3 wire set, Monochromatic light source, Sine bar (200 mm length), Sine Centre3 (200 mm length), Auto Collimator, Vernier Calliper, Dial micrometre with stand, Micrometre flange type, Micrometre (small), Micrometre stand (2 nos.), Spirit level, Dial gauge (optical), Surface plate, Angle plate, Spur gear, Angle cones, Dogmatic Vernier Calliper, Vernier height gauge, Electronic Micrometre, Optical flats, Optical parallels, Plain plug gauges, V-blocks, Bevel Protractor, Magnetic stand, Universal stand, Granite surface plates, Set of gauges, Adjustable snap gauge, Dial indicator plunger type, Surface plate, Aditya sine ruler, Angle gauge, Outside gear tooth micrometre.



Sem: III/ IV

Laboratory Area, m2:91

Approx. cost : 10.7Lakhs

Universal testing machine, Compression testing machine, Torsion testing machine, Rockwell hardness testing machine, Brinell’s hardness testing machine, Vicker’s hardness testing machine, Pin on disc wear testing machine, Fatigue testing machine, Muffled furnaces – 2 Nos., Polishing tables – 2 Nos., Metallurgical microscope, Magnetic crack detector machine, Ultrasonic flaw detector (portable), Dye penetrants (3 Cans), Standard metallurgical specimens, Electronic balance, Impact testing machine, Dryer.



Sem: III/ IV

Laboratory Area, m2 : 200

Approx. cost : 10.7Lakhs

Sand Rammer, Permeability Meter, Clay Washer, Sieve shaker, Sieve set, Sand Muller, Strength testing machine, Tensile Strength attachment, Shear strength attachment, Mould hardness tester, Core hardness tester, Infra-red heater, Moisture content tester, Moulding Sand pit, Moulding boxes & Mould making tools, Various forging tools, Furnace(3No’s), Electronic balance, Barden Power Blowing 1 HP (smithy) forging section 2800 rpm



Sem: V

Laboratory Area, m2 : 200

Approx. cost : 9.7Lakhs

Orifice plate, Mouth piece experiment setup, ‘V’ notch & Rectangular notch apparatus, Venturi meter & Orifice meter apparatus, Bernoulli’s experiment set-up, Reynolds experiment set-up, Pipe flow apparatus (major & minor losses), Metacentric Height apparatus, Impact of jets apparatus, Cavitation test rig, Laminar flow apparatus, Momentum theories verification experiment, Flow visualization experiment, Vortex flow apparatus, Tilting flame apparatus, Turbulent flow apparatus, Archimedes’ principle apparatus, Power of nozzle test apparatus, Centrifugal pump test rig, Francis turbine test rig, Kaplan turbine test rig, Peloton turbine test rig, Single stage variable speed centrifugal pump test rig, Multistage centrifugal pump test rig, Reciprocating pump test rig, Air blower test rig, Reciprocating air compressor test rig.



Sem.: V

Laboratory Area, m2 : 100

Approx. cost: 15Lakhs

Single Cylinder 4 stroke Kirloskar diesel engine Test rig with Alternator & Lamp load, Twin cylinder 4 stroke Kirloskar diesel engine Test rig with Hydraulic Dynamo meter, Four cylinder 4 stroke Premier petrol engine Test rig with Hydraulic Dynamo meter, Single cylinder 4 stroke Kawasaki Bajaj petrol engine Test rig with DC Generator & Resistance load, Single cylinder 4 stroke Graves High speed diesel engine Test rig with rope brake Dynamo meter, Single cylinder 2 stroke Bajaj Super petrol engine Test rig with rope brake Dynamo meter, Single cylinder 4 stroke diesel engine (computerized test rig) with eddy current dynamo meter, Four cylinder 4 stroke Ambassador petrol engine test rig with rope brake Dynamo meter, Bomb calorimeter with all accessories, Junks gas calorimeter with all accessories, Dead weight pressure gauge, Pensky martens apparatus (flash point), Cleveland’s apparatus (open cup flash & fire point apparatus), Red wood viscometer, Say bolt viscometer, Abels flash point apparatus



Sem.: VI

Laboratory Area, m2 : 165

Approx. cost: 2Lakhs

Thermal conductivity of insulating powder, Thermal conductivity of composite plane wall, Thermal conductivity of composite cylinder, Thermal conductivity of metal rod, Heat transfer from pin fin apparatus, Heat transfer in natural convection, Parallel and counter flow heat exchanger, Emissivity measurements apparatus, Stefan Boltzmann apparatus, Thermal conductivity guarded plate, Drop and film wire condensation apparatus, Unsteady state heat transfer apparatus, Refrigerator tutor complete unit with accessories.



Sem.: VI/VII

Laboratory Area, m2 : 157

Approx. cost: 2Lakhs

HP-Core 2 D