BLDEA's Dr. P. G. Halakatti College of Engineering & Technology, Vijayapura, Karnataka

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Event Topic Name: Webinar on “Lean Start-up & Minimum Viable Product/Business”

B.L.D.E. Association’s V.P. Dr.P.G.Halakatti College of Engineering & Technology, Vijayapur-586103, MCA Events


Resource person:Mr. Asif Peerzade, Software Engineer, Skills Agency, Bengaluru.


The objective of the session is to educate the students about the followings:

  • Benefits of adopting Lean Approach and MVP methodology in starting up the business.
  • Building sustainable business model by MVP and Lean approach.


It was the session conducted on the topic “Lean Start-up & Minimum Viable Product/Business by Department of Computer Applications (M.C.A) in association with Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC).

The outcome of this session is to give information about how the Lean approach and MVP methodology helps in building a sustainable business model/product by quickly testing and validating assumptions about the market, product, and customer needs. By applying these approaches, it helps the entrepreneurs in minimizing risk and maximizing learning in the early stage of their business and also to solve real-world problems.


Event Topic name: Invictus - 2023

Open Day Project Exhibition & Invictus - 2023

Event Topic name: “Webinar on Achieving Problem-Solution Fit & Product Market Fit”

Date: 22.02.2023

Resource person: Mr. Anil Kalakonnavar, Senior Applications Engineer, Oracle Company, Bangalore.


The objective of the session is to educate the students about the following :

  • Able to define clearly the problems to come up with an innovative solution that meets the demands of target customers.
  • To recognize potential innovative products that will suitable to the current market trends


It was the session conducted on the topic “Achieving Problem-Solution Fit & Product Market Fit” by Department of Computer Applications (M.C.A) in association with Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC). The outcome of this session is to create awareness about how to identify the existing problems, finding innovative solutions to the problems & managing the risk whenever trying to introduce a product into the markets.

B.L.D.E. Association’s V.P. Dr.P.G.Halakatti College of Engineering & Technology, Vijayapur-586103, MCA, EVents- 2023